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New map of the Russian Federation

New map of the Russian Federation
by Stefan Harabin

 (translated from Slovak)

For years, the Western false propaganda about the Russian Federation in Ukraine, carried out by force, meant that Ukrainians never learned the true picture of their neighbor's life. And it was very similar with Western countries in Europe and America. Hatred for everything Russian and thousands of fabricated open lies were supposed to arouse spontaneous and permanent hatred for everything Russian in Ukrainians. They have cared about this education of the population for decades. And the Ukrainians completely naively believed the propaganda of the West. They believed and paid for it. The collective West was preparing them for the military liquidation of Russia once and for all. They did not understand that the West, which only praises them and itself spreads immense corruption among officials and the nation, uses them as a tool, as a kind of battering ram to kill the Russian people. They never cared about the lives of Ukrainians. They are interested in everything that they could acquire in Ukraine without work. Mineral wealth, fertile soil, territory directly adjacent to the Russian Federation in the Black Sea, especially Crimea and Odessa. Sweet promises and pats on the head did not allow anyone to doubt these fabrications. And sober voices spoke the truth in the Ukrainian media as well. Nobody believed them. There is a difference between being a sovereign state or a state totally controlled by the USA, Great Britain and the corrupt sages in the European Union and NATO. This is why today's map of the Russian Federation is changing. The citizens of the former Ukraine themselves are no longer interested in connecting their lives with an openly fascist aggressive regime. Repeating unprofessional arguments that Russia invaded sovereign Ukraine is a shame and a direct evidence of lack of information, lack of education in the field of international law, poor outlook, and lack of ability to assess political processes in the world even from our top politicians.

Ukraine, as an independent sovereign state, no longer exists a long time ago. It is still under the control and complete management of the USA and Great Britain. These treacherous states systematically fanatized it, armed it for war against the Russian Federation and thus drove it to disaster and self-destruction. Ukraine will never be the same as it was before 2014. In the medium term, Russia will militarily and politically control the entire territory of the former Ukraine. He will do so in the shortest possible time, but with certain conditions. The Russian Federation will never allow any part of the territory of Ukraine to be under the influence or even any part of the Western states. It will be nothing but the total capitulation of the Kyiv fascist regime. And it is very likely that we, Slovaks, will also have a new border, now with the Russian Federation, or with the former Ukraine in its new form and probably also with a new name. And that's only because of the constant provocations and aggressiveness of the collective West. He continues to assure Russia and Ukraine that immediately after the end of the military operation, the remaining part of the territory of the current Ukraine will join NATO. The latest proposals say that it will not enter there for at least twenty years, but the US will be able to continue arming it, and the richer states of Europe will pay for it. No one else, but only the Russian Federation, will prepare and implement the end of the Special Military Operation according to its own plans. We, in Slovakia, must strictly guard our state borders against the fleeing criminals from Bandera. Otherwise, we will seriously endanger the safety of our citizens. It is not for nothing that the President of Russia Putin once again reminds us that he is willing to sit down at the negotiating table, but without interrupting the fighting and, of course, only on his own terms and only with a legitimate partner. He will never allow a foreign power to enter the territory of Ukraine. As I have said several times, I think that it will probably not happen without big and substantial changes. Control of borders and the entire territory, as well as trade and foreign policy of the former Ukraine, will be introduced. It will mean the legal and practical limitation of any possibilities of corruption, promotion of neo-fascism, banderism, Western extreme liberal perversions, or racism towards any nation living on the territory of Ukraine. I foresee a massive renewal of the economy, the constitution, laws, the legal and electoral system, education, culture and social and health care for citizens. I think that we can also expect a change in the international status of Ukraine, as no one is interested in paying foreign companies.

New state, or the new state establishment will not be obliged to take on the debts of previous governments, especially if they were incurred by a regime that came to power in an unconstitutional terrorist coup d'état with the help and funding of the collective West. Strict laws will be passed against gangs, against propaganda, against terrorism. There will be new elections, a new parliament will be established, new laws will be adopted and, of course, a constitution. The end of Russia's military special operation will be realized by signing the total capitulation of Ukraine. The oligarchs of the former Ukraine will also gradually disappear. I believe that this way the rest of Ukraine will be protected and safe from vile deliberate liquidation by the US and the collective West.


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