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Books & Digests

In this page of our Website we offer you some books by our authors as well as our information product — Crimean Digest. Each issue is compiled from various sources of Russian (including Crimean), foreign media and Internet resources, as well as of posts written specifically for the Digest by prominent authors. The purpose of the Digest is to deliver to the Reader a notion of the most significant and engaging events that have taken place in Crimea over the last month. Besides, we want to provide as much as possible of unbiased information about the nature, economy and culture of the Republic of Crimea.

We hope that this information will be useful not only for people who are interested in developing productive cooperation with Crimea and Russia, but also for a wider audience.


Sergey Kalmykov,

Director of Business and Cultural Center of Republic of Crimea

Files to download

Crimea News

Greek politician states that Russian Federation can play a historic role in ensuring peace

Russia can play a historic role in ensuring peace and equality, which humanity so desperately needs

Friends of Crimea Founder Condemned the Strike on Sevastopol

The founder of the Friends of Crimea Tremblay called the strike on Sevastopol barbaric

Members of the Coordinating Board Discuss the International Association of Friends of Crimea - Friends of Russia: Mission, goals, activities

Discussion centers on International Association of Friends of Crimea and its mission, as well as the importance of...

Dragana Trifkovic: The Spirit of British Perfidiousness and American Brutality, or How the Media is Misused Against Dissenters

Geostrategic Studies conducted a comprehensive study of the ownership structure of the world's leading media with the...
