Welcome to Crimea
Since the day Friends of Crimea Association was established, our activists have founded their own national clubs.
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07.02.2022 - Donbass War Correspondent - Fearless Truth Seeker
German born Alina Lipp talking about her experiences making films in Donetsk. Why she came to Crimea and why she joined Friends of Crimea. She will return to the war zone in two weeks to continue reporting on the conflict along the front. She's brave, fearless, and determined.
11.01.2022 - Milt Garrett for the Friends of Crimea USA
Dr Garrett explains why he joined Friends of Crimea USA Club. Dr. Garrett has spent 23 years consulting and teaching across Russia’s 11 time zones with over 2,400 people in 240+ cities. (Ten of those years were pro bono on behalf of three Rotary Clubs.) As a citizen diplomat he visited Crimea and five other Russian cities in late 2019, interviewing over 100 people.
10.01.2022 - Deutsche auf der Krim
Sehen Sie sich das Leben der deutschen Diaspora auf der Krim
31.12.2021 - Suzanne Massie - Former #Reagan adviser and Member of #FriendsofCrimea USA Club just received Russian citizenship by President #Putin's decree
Trust But Verify - Reagan, Gorbachev and Suzanne Massie In her own words, the woman whom the Soviets said ended the Cold War. This is the amazing story of how Suzanne Massie met with President Ronald Reagan 22 times. As a result, Reagan met with Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet Premiere in Geneva and Reykjavik, Iceland. Out of those meetings came human rights agreements and several nuclear disarmament treaties, most notably the INF treaty. Sadly, in 2019, the US pulled out of all nuclear treaties with Russia. What began with trust and understanding in 1996 has ended. A movie by Regis Tremblay
30.12.2021 - Gli Italiani in Crimea
175 nazionalità sono presenti in Crimea. I primi italiani arrivarono in Crimea nel XIII e XIV secolo – ora dai un'occhiata agli italiani che risiedono in Crimea in questi giorni
27.12.2021 - Eric Arnow For Friends of Crimea USA
Eric Arnow – remembers his visit to Crimea in 2015, meetings with people and listening to their stories, including a surprise interaction with “little green men”.
21.12.2021 - Crimean Culture: Yalta Historical Ballroom Dancing
On St. Nicolas Day, Sept. 19, 2021, the Yalta Historical Dance Club, along with clubs from Feodosia and Sevastopol, participated in a 1:35 minute historical, ballroom dance.
18.12.2021 - Alina Lipp, Deutschland - Zur Unterstützung der Krim
Alina Lipp, Leiterin eines deutschen Clubs der Freunde der Krim, erzählt ihre Geschichte über den Beitritt zum Club. Hier die Internetseite der deutschen Krimfreunde, wo ihr bei Bedarf auch das Beitrittsformular findet: https://www.krimfreunde.eu/
17.12.2021 - Friends of Crimea will ameliorate business and cultural relations between USA and Russia
Paula Day, International Attorney, Starks, ME - Friends of Crimea will ameliorate business and cultural relations between USA and Russia. Paula tells about her experience working with Russia, about her recent trip to Crimea, meeting with Crimean people and learning about the life on peninsula. Compares her impressions of travels to Russia and Crimea in 1983, 2019 and 2021.
16.12.2021 - Alina Lipp, Germany - In Support of Crimea
Alina Lipp, Member of a German Club of Friends of Crimea tell her story about joining the Club - English version

Crimea News

Mattarella's imprudent and untruthful statement

The Russians have a particular sympathy for the Italian people

Štefan Harabin: Russia as the winner of the conflict, new power relations arrangement at the global level.

Recommends expanding trade relations with Russia and other countries

Ünver Sel: Maritime transportation between Crimea and Türkiye should continue

We believe that the bond between Crimean Tatars and their relatives living in Turkey should not be broken

Ялтинский международный форум стартует в Москве, продвигая глобальный диалог за справедливый мировой порядок -Yalta International Forum Commences in Moscow, Advancing Global Dialogue for a Just World Order

Ялтинский международный форум служит жизненно важной платформой для развития диалога и взаимопонимания между странами.

Why neutral Austria joined EU sanctions policy against Russia?

Inexperienced and young politician Sebastian Kurz brought Austria's foreign policy in accordance with the EU...

Greek politician states that Russian Federation can play a historic role in ensuring peace

Russia can play a historic role in ensuring peace and equality, which humanity so desperately needs
