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Citizen Diplomacy, Seeking Truth and Building Friendships

Citizen Diplomacy, Seeking Truth and Building Friendships


In this first of many future segments, Costas and Hendrik discussed the social, economic and political situations in Greece and Norway; the meaning of massive protests across Europe and the fast emerging multipolar world and the decline of the US/EU hegemon. We also discussed our mission and goals as members of Friends of Crimea - Friends of Russia.

Konstantinos (Costas) Isychos was born in Buenos Aires Argentina from parents with Greek ancestry. He immigrated to Canada in 1976. He studied political and economic sciences at York University in Toronto, Canada. He then followed political studies in Havana Cuba. He came to live and work in Athens, Greece in 1980. He participated in left wing political movements since his early youth following the same road in antiwar pro peace movements till today.

Hendrik Weber is the founder and chairman of the Norwegian NGO "Folkediplomati Norge", Member of Coordinating Board of the Friends of Crimea International Association. Since 2014 is working intensively on foreign and security policy issues and Western media coverage of Russia and Eurasia. In 2017 he started offering a platform for dialogue with Russia on a political, economic, social and cultural level (https://www.folkediplomati.com/). His journalistic training, as well as the many trips through Russia, Crimea and Eastern Ukraine allows him to get a deeper insight. It is important to get to know the people behind these voices on the ground and thus learn their personal truth.

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